What is Homeopathy?Samuel Hahnemann, founder of the medical science of Homeopathy
Homeopathy - an alternative medical scienceIn Homeopathy we do not treat diseases, we treat people who are suffering from disease symptoms. This is a fundamental difference with allopathic or conventional medicine. In allopathic medicine they diagnose a “disease” from a group of symptoms with which the patient is suffering and then attempt to treat those symptoms to eradicate them. In Homeopathy we perceive this differently and see the symptoms produced by the patient’s organism as the attempts of the defence mechanism to overcome the disease disturbance. The symptoms are the outward sign of the inner disturbance and are not the disease itself.
Therefore it makes logical sense to encourage the immune response as much as possible, instead of trying to counter the body’s response at healing itself. Homeopathy works by encouraging the natural, automatic immune response in the gentlest and safest way to successfully deal with the illness. Let me give an example:
The primary symptom of Influenza (Swine or Seasonal) is high fever. This is not, in fact, caused by the ‘flu virus nor does it belong to the disease. It is the immediate response of the body to fight the infection. It is a natural and highly effective defence mechanism. Most viruses cannot function or even survive when exposed to high temperatures. Therefore it makes sense to encourage the fever to the maximum that the body will allow to enable a quick recovery. If the fever is “brought down” it will only allow the virus more time and the recovery will be incomplete or take longer. How does it work? The basic principle of homeopathy is to treat “like with like”. What this means is that the body needs certain information in order to overcome its disease. This information has to be a “similar” in type in order to help the process of cure. Again this is logical if we are trying to encourage the body’s attempt to get better. Once given the “similar” remedy the body acts on this information in the correct direction i.e. the natural process of cure that it is attempting. The body therefore is enabled to make a stronger attempt at curing itself and an enhanced immune response. What are the “remedies”? Homeopathic remedies are made from natural substances taken from all the 3 kingdoms: plant, mineral and animal. They are prepared in a special way at homeopathic pharmacies, in which the material substance is diluted and serially “succussed” or shaken. These then become highly dilute but highly potent medicines. I will explain: To most people these highly dilute “potencies” have no effect whatsoever - in fact it is like taking water. However to the person who is sensitive to that substance even in these tiny dilutions they will react. But because the amounts are so small the medicines are totally safe and non toxic. We find out which “remedy” the person needs (sensitive to) through in-depth questioning and assessment of their symptoms which guide us to the correct one. It is akin to someone who has a severe peanut allergy. It is the same principle. That person does not need a bag full of peanuts to react. A tiny trace of the substance will bring on a severe reaction. That is because they are sensitive to it. How long does it take? That depends on the health of the individual, their ability to recover, type of condition etc. However, in my research studies, I found out that the average number of visits in order to be better was 4 to 6. Of course, in more acute conditions, the problem may resolve after only one visit. Consultations for chronic disorders usually take place at monthly intervals and typically last *1 hour 15 minutes. How effective is it? Visit my research page to see the results that I have proved in audits. My Useful Links page also includes other useful resources. Can it be taken alongside conventional medicine? Ideally the homeopathic medicines are best taken alone without any other medication, however this is often not possible. Many people will already be on conventional medication and the homeopathic medication can be safely prescribed alongside until, if appropriate and safe, with the agreement of the patient and/or their GP, their medication can be reduced slowly. |
Safety of homeopathic treatmentHomeopathic medicines involve such minute doses that side-effects are avoided and they can be taken safely during pregnancy, by infants and the elderly. They are non-addictive and can be taken alongside orthodox drugs if necessary.
Seeing your GP I recommend that you maintain your relationship with your GP as homeopathy and conventional medicine can be integrated when necessary to provide complementary services. Your GP will also be able to arrange any diagnostic procedures you may need, and provide emergency cover. Homeopathy cannot claim to cure diseases, such as Cancer and Aids. There are many false claims being made by so-called “homeopaths” that they can easily cure these diseases. Classical Homeopaths distance themselves completely from these people. They have nothing to do with real Homeopathy and are bringing our good name into disrepute. Also we distance ourselves from those that claim there is a possibility of preventing diseases by giving homeopathic remedies. This is a false understanding of homeopathy and is untrue. Its falsely called Homeoprophylaxis. This is NOT Homeopathy. Homeopathy is now one of the most widely used and trusted alternative system of medicine in the world. Increasingly being accepted into mainstream medicine all over the world, it remains the only alternative medicine incorporated into the NHS. This was initiated in the 1948 NHS Act to allow for its provision. This subsequently led to the establishment of 5 NHS Homeopathic hospitals. Homeopathy is still able to be funded by the NHS in some areas. Ask your GP for details. This website is designed as an information resource for those interested in finding out about homeopathy in general, more specific enquiries regarding the treatment of acute and chronic illness, how to access homeopathic treatment, suggested reading, courses and training, a local study group, clinics and much more. |